Worthy Pregnancy Support - Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Mebane
Loving God, one another, and the world through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Baptist, Mebane, Service Times 9:30/11:00/5:30
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Worthy Pregnancy Support



I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic. I married an American man named Richard, and he brought me to North Carolina where we raised our three children for several years. In God’s providence, Richard died in 2012, and I was left to finish raising my children as a single mother. I am very thankful to the Lord for being there and helping me to finish raising them. I am also grateful to Him for allowing me to serve in the Worthy ministry and share Christ’s love with others.  It will be an honor to be able to encourage you during and after your pregnancy.  Even though the times ahead may be uncertain and stressful, God is our Comforter and our Refuge. He has promised to be there for those who seek Him.


I have lived in Orange County for 17 years.  I am married and have two grown children and two grandchildren. I came to GRBC in 2017. I have found my church family to be loving, caring, and supportive of one another.  When I first heard that our church was moving forward with a mentorship program for women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, I knew that I wanted to be involved.  I found myself pregnant at 16 years old and was sent away by my parents. I was 300 miles away from anyone that I knew. I went through my pregnancy without the support of anyone I knew. I felt very abandoned. I want to help women to navigate through this challenging time so that they are supported. I also want to share most importantly how Jesus Christ has provided hope to me during the challenges that I have faced throughout my life. Only Jesus Christ can make all things new.  If you are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, I would like to walk alongside of you through our Worthy Mentorship ministry.


I am thankful to be a mom of six wonderful children, most of whom are living on their own now. I count being a mother as one of my chief treasures, but it has not been without struggles and difficulties. Having walked with a close loved one as she faced an unplanned pregnancy, and having served as a foster parent, my heart has become more and more tender to other women who might benefit from someone walking alongside them during the ups and downs of life. My chief desire is to introduce women to my Savior Jesus who has been so merciful to me and given me solid hope for today and the future.


I was born and raised here in Alamance County and now live in Mebane with my husband and our three children.  My desire for joining the Worthy ministry came from my own personal experience with an unexpected pregnancy at the age of 17 and having come from a very broken home.  Neglect, abandonment, sin, and poverty was reality throughout my life.  But God came for me.  He didn’t leave me broken and bitter from the hurt of sin but brought me into the fold and healed me to know a life of joy and peace.  He put people in my life who pointed me to Christ, who is our ultimate Healer.  My passion is helping young women in similar situations.  Life is not meant to walk alone.  We all need support and guidance, and we all need Christ to help us.  I hope you will feel comfortable to reach out and let us come along side of you.